No-Code AI: Redefining Application Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the buzzword in today’s “exo-technological” world, and why not? After all, it has changed the magnum of many industries. While AI will fundamentally alter many business processes, utilizing its full potential can be time-consuming, expensive, and difficult. Plus, it requires a data science team to construct it and data scientists to use it.

This is why it’s thrilling to see a new wave of no-code AI emerge. No-code AI is a code-free technique that enables non-AI professionals to put their ideas into practice and test them without the help of AI specialists. It equalizes the playing field for businesses of all sizes when it comes to application development by making it more straightforward, quick, economical, and accessible. No-code AI tools and platforms help businesses to create AI and Machine Learning (ML) models without spending a fortune on specialized engineering or data science talent or in-depth coding knowledge, making it a rage in years to come. Don’t believe us? Well, according to Gartner, 65% of all application development will be using no-code/low-code AI platforms by 2024. #AIRevolution

In this blog, we will take you through what makes no-code AI the talk of the town and how it will change traditional application development. Read on!

Why No-Code AI Must Be Used?

Organizations employ no-code AI to deploy AI models that achieve specific business objectives and enhance operations while maximizing the value of their data. Here are some of the top reasons to switch to no-code AI tools or platforms:

  • Accessibility and Usability: No-code AI platforms can be quickly incorporated into the current technology stack and put to use. It flaunts features such as personalized dashboards and drag-and-drop user interfaces to help users import data for model training, re-training, or improvement. Anyone within the organization can use plug-and-play to quickly and affordably identify an AI solution to the issue. The joy of joys is these tools are created with keeping non-developers and non-technical users in mind.
  • Bridging the Communication gaps: The knowledge gap between domain specialists and AI professionals is still very wide. They seldom ever communicate effectively. In an effort to close the gap, no-code AI platforms give domain experts the chance to test their theories and improve communication with AI experts. Using no-code AI platforms, AI experts may quickly add value for domain experts.
  • Speed: Consumers expect speedy delivery and seamless product experiences across channels in today’s oversaturated app industry. No-code AI platforms provide rich functionality and the flexibility to turn projects around in a fraction of the time. The visual interfaces of no-code AI platforms help developers bring products to market more quickly and with fewer problems by bridging the gap between a concept and a usable application.
  • Scalability: AI is designed to handle multiple tasks at a time. It doesn’t care if it completes a task for one user or one hundred, and neither do servers that scale up or down automatically based on load. Therefore, no-code AI platforms can handle multiple users simultaneously proving to be a scalable solution.

Suggested Read: How AI and ML are influencing mobile app development

What does No-code AI mean for various industries?

Following are a few industries that are currently leveraging no-code AI platforms to make the most of AI:

  • Telecom sector: The capacity of telecommunications businesses to employ AI effectively as soon as possible and create related software will be crucial to their success as they begin their journeys toward digital transformation. No-code AI platforms have helped the telecom industry rethink user experience by creating new opportunities and complicating business models. 
  • Education sector: Many academic institutions are open to automation’s potential. However, the overall user experience may suffer if there is a lack of uniformity and seamlessness among the different digital platforms used by an organization. With no-code AI tools educational organizations can save all the information for the organization in one place and then spread it to as many platforms and applications as they choose.
  • Healthcare sector: In order to improve patient outcomes, modern healthcare technology is raising standards of care everywhere. New developments in no-code AI platforms are upending the healthcare market by helping healthcare practitioners develop apps for clearer communication as well as by improving data collection from health records for advanced predictive modeling. 
  • Finance sector: Traditional algorithms are no longer sufficient because of the rising scope and complexity of banking. No-code AI platforms help financial teams to control financial risk, streamline procedures, create ML models for a financial application, generate financial reports, automate invoice systems, enhance cybersecurity, and enhance client satisfaction.

Suggested read: How Artificial Intelligence can revolutionize the Healthcare industry

What The Future holds?

Businesses are steadily taking the road to no-code AI platforms. Wondering why? Well, access to developers and software engineers slows project delivery in part owing to the knock-on effects on workforce management, and this is where the technology may bring real value. In coming years, users of no-code AI platforms should be able to express their creativity, establish application requirements, and answer particular inquiries throughout the app development life cycle using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Drag and drop symbols are anticipated to be replaced by NLP bringing about a day when business analysts and solution architects won’t be needed for the conversion of ideas into software. 
At Vatsa Solutions, we have helped multiple businesses develop next-gen apps to gain a competitive edge. Talk to us today to learn how we can help you with your digitization needs.

Why Is Sales Performance Management (SPM) Important?

In the current economy, most operations can be considered as sales. But the question is, given such an abundance, how can businesses optimize their sales approach? This especially applies to businesses whose trajectory keeps changing directions frequently. Well, that’s what Sales Performance Management (SPM) can help with!

What is Sales Performance Management?

Gartner defines Sales Performance Management as “A suite of operational and analytical functions that automate and unite back-office operational sales processes, and are implemented to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.”

The target of SPM deployment is to meet business performance measures. Varicent provides industry-leading SPM solutions. An SPM software, such as the one Varicent offers, helps enterprises magnify their digital operations. SPM creates functionality across departments, such as compelling horizontal and vertical communication advantages. It results in desired sales numbers using tactical strategies.

Why is Sales Performance Management Important?

SPM’s core capabilities include

  • Territory Management (TM)
  • Incentive Compensation Management (ICM)
  • Quota Management (QM)
  • Objectives Management (OM)
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Gamification
  • Mobile Apps

SPM is helping businesses, large and small, across various sectors improve their sales operations. For example, SPM helped United Rentals to automate calculations, manage adjustments and approvals, build models, and view performance and trends. This enabled them to improve the effectiveness of their compensation programs continuously.

Similarly, owing to SPM, numerous other businesses have witnessed tremendous improvements and growth. Thus, businesses yet to implement SPM tools at their workplace are rushing to reap the benefits. In fact, the global market size for SPM is projected to grow at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of around 15% between 2020 and 2026.

SPM innovation is a way of sales performance enhancement that brings leaders together. They can overtake the competition irrespective of what they are selling. In a gist, SPM allows sales managers to impact and improve all sales touchpoints. Here’s how sales performance management benefits organizations to streamline processes and scale business: 

What are the Benefits of Sales Performance Management?

Generating Analytics

Long gone are the days of intuitive decisions. Compensation is now proportionate to the performances of the sales force, and the credit goes to SPM. A data-backed analytical system keeps a real-time tap on performances. Gratification is one of the outcomes. Performance stats allow a business to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the sales infrastructure. SPM software today generates exceptional insights to quantify results. Goals are defined and classified in the right manner, backed by purely analyzed data.

Predicting Future Sales

With advanced data capturing, monitoring, and analyzing capabilities, SPM tools help forecast future sales accurately. This helps with employee compensation, business planning and strategizing, and making other business-related decisions more precisely. For instance,  with the help of SPM, MetaCompliance has been able to:

  • Drive greater revenue predictability
  • Eliminate intuition bias within the forecasting process and make data-driven decisions
  • Achieve sales adoption of the product to boost clean data entry and improve forecasting data hygiene
  • Enhance visibility to provide a more accurate view of the pipeline

Enabling Execution

The factors of integration and distribution make a significant impact. However, execution also matches the weightage. There are many boxes to tick here – the compilation of assigned tasks, the balance of on-site task assimilation, setting the numbers right, etc. 

Once the structures across departments are adequately figured out, sales can accelerate. Instruments like gamification to manage and measure sales success are all possible additional SPM components. They help keep sales on course. These components may be and easily connected using an AI-led edge solution to sales quality management created to natively handle the unique needs of IT, sales, and finance.

Bringing in Transparency

SPM puts it all on the table. Daily notifications on the activities support the employees’ updates on everything. It is practically impossible to keep a note of and revise everything, especially with numerous processes operating at once. An SPM software generates real-time notifications and creates utmost transparency. Not only is everyone up to date, but also in check with the timelines. SPM will revamp data structures and standardize the in-house performance with no effect from the external environment.

For example, Colt could instantly identify their mistakes with payments due to real-time notifications provided by the SPM solution by Varicent. Thus, their employees could ensure that they charged customers the correct fees. This helped boost accountability and led to 30% sales team growth.

Here’s how we helped a US-based healthcare and insurance company leverage Varicent’s Sales Performance Management platform (SPM) to streamline its sales operations. 

Summing Up

Sales Performance Management is a boon for organizations, providing them with an edge in sales processes. SPM solutions, like Varicent, have enabled businesses to strategize operations effectively, enhance sales opportunities, and embark on a journey of continuous, sustained growth.

Now that you have understood what SPM is and what benefits you can derive for your business, you might be looking for a robust and agile SPM tool to implement at your workplace. You can check out Vasta’s sales performance management solution that can help you create adaptable strategies and own your revenue growth. Contact our experts at [email protected] to know more.