Cloud computing trends to look forward in 2020

Cloud Computing Trends

Cloud computing has been a game-changer for enterprises and continues to be a supporting factor for technological advancements. Cloud architects, Cloud software application engineers, Cloud consultants, and Cloud security experts have received an increased importance in an enterprise hierarchy

due to the booming trends of cloud computing. Just like any other digital medium, there is much more expected from this technology today. Being at the forefront of this technology, Vatsa Solutions has been able to make the best use to serve their clients with these advancements.

Independent studies have forecasted more than 70% of all tech spending, in 2020, to be associated with cloud initiatives and that IaaS will cross a mark of $75 billion, worldwide. This makes it all the more necessary to have a closer look at the upcoming trends. As we move forward in 2020, here are a few trends that will play an important role in shaping the future of cloud computing.


Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Hybrid cloud solutions have picked up pace in the last year and will continue to rise in importance. Its dominance is primarily due to an increased level of security in data management, as well as ease in data maintenance. As data keeps on accumulating, enterprises are coming up with innovative ways to manage and analyze this data for the benefit of the organizations. At the center of this innovation lies the usage of hybrid cloud storage.


Cloud Security

The security of data has become the top-most priority for organizations. This increases the scope for a deeper understanding of cyber-security with regard to cloud computing. With the advent of 2020, organizations will be looking out for cloud solutions that are robust and are equipped with better threat-detection and management features.


Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence have been the trending topics of 2019 and will continue to have an impact on IT, as a domain in 2020. With this sector booming of a dynamic ML & AI-based architecture and being closely related to these terms, the collateral modernization will be seen in cloud management and software.


Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture is used to eliminate any necessary infrastructure for achieving fundamental communication. More commonly known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), serverless computing is fast catching on with the dynamically evolving needs of mobile & web-based applications, as well as IoT. Organizations are making use of serverless architecture to come up with solutions that are easily scalable and can be easily upgraded and maintained, as required.


Multi-Cloud Deployment & Cloud Migration

Multi-cloud deployment and cloud migration have grown in importance due to the ever-changing nature of digital services, mobile apps, and web-based solutions. Multi-cloud deployment is providing more flexibility and stability to organizations, with the condition that it is skillfully handled by experts in the domain. However, platforms like Azure, AWS and Google Cloud are being widely used by enterprises to streamline their data processes.


Back up & Recovery

Data has become the deciding factor for the success of enterprises and this perspective will continue in 2020, to say the least. This has given rise to equal importance for data security on the cloud. Definite assurances of data back-up and recovery, in case of a mishap, is equally important, if not more, in Cloud system integrations and its importance will continue to grow for enterprises.


Cloud computing has a wide array of applications and the same will definitely be seen as 2020 progresses. However, its importance is equally making it a necessity for enterprises to find the right IT partner who can, not only cope with its evolving nature but also integrate it in the on-going conditions of the organization. With cloud-based delivery and implementation needs of careful re-architecting, data migration, security and access control, Vatsa provides cloud-based software development and software implementation capabilities that have provided immense value to companies worldwide in multiple ways.

To know more about how you can benefit from our cloud-computing expertise, connect with us at [email protected]

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